dynastart hydraulics
dynastart hydraulics


In which markets does Dynastart Hydraulics operate?

The target groups include fire engines, commercial vehicles, vans and service vehicles. We are very early in the process for fire brigades and fire engine builders, among others. For example, fire brigades want to order a hydraulically driven water pump or winch. We then receive the orders from the fire engine builders, after which we assemble the equipment on the vehicle. Then we put together a generator, water pump or hydraulic winch. We make a submersible pump or hydraulic winch all by ourselves, so it really is our own product. With our own components, we assemble it from scratch into a working product.

The fire brigade is our biggest customer. We also do a lot of business with the importers of aerial platforms in the Netherlands. The cherry pickers are sold, but they do not have an independent power supply. Because most companies want to have power at the top of their cherry picker, we have made a hydraulically driven generator that we can build onto the cherry picker. For example, for companies that work in asbestos removal. Hoovers are always used for the removal of asbestos for which you need power at height. We make the right products for those tools.

We also make power supplies for livestock vehicles. These must be closed and these closed areas must remain well ventilated. This is done with 24-volt motors. The trucks are fitted with hydraulically driven dynamos that provide much more power than a truck itself can.

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